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Swift iOS -How to sort array of individual objects into separated arrays based on similar property

I have an array of Super Hero objects. I want to group the superheroes based on the name property into separated arrays and then count how many objects are in each individual separated array


class SuperHero{
    var name: String?
    var power: Bool?

Array of superheroes (there can be an infinite num of superheroes)

var superHeroes = [SuperHero]()

let superHero1 = SuperHero()
superHero1.name = "SuperMan"
superHero1.power = true


let superHero2 = SuperHero()
superHero2.name = "BatMan"
superHero2.power = true


let superHero3 = SuperHero()
superHero3.name = "BatMan"
superHero3.power = true


let superHero4 = SuperHero()
superHero4.name = "SuperMan"
superHero4.power = true



Use name property to sort:

let sortedHeros = superHeroes.sort{$0.name < $1.name}
for hero in sortedHeros{

How do I put the sorted array into separate arrays then print the count of each separated array?

//this is what I want
separatedArraysOfSuperHeroes = [[superHero2, superHero3], [superHero1, superHero4]]

//subscriprting isn't ideal because i'll never know the exact number of separated arrays

As per the comments the reason why I want sub arrays is because I want to use them to populate different tableview sections. For ie inside my tableview I would now have a 2 sections. The first section would have a header that says "Batman" with 2 Batman objects inside of it and the second section would have a header that says Superman with 2 Superman objects inside of it. The count property would show the number of super hero objects inside each section.

func getSeparatedArrayBasedOnName(superHeroes: [SuperHero]) -> [[SuperHero]] {

    guard let superNames = NSOrderedSet.init(array: superHeroes.map { $0.name ?? "" }).array as? [String] else {
        print("Something went wrong with conversion")
        return [[SuperHero]]()

    var filteredArray = [[SuperHero]]()

    for superName in superNames {
        let innerArray = superHeroes.filter({ return $0.name == superName })

    for array in filteredArray {
        for hero in array {
            print(hero.name ?? "")

    return filteredArray

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