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How can I remove a specific element from my array generated by a blaze helper?

I have a helper class that pushes an element into an array when a checkbox is checked and should remove the element when it is unchecked. I am able to successfully push the element to the array but having trouble removing it.

I am noticing some curious behavior. For instance, unchecking the element also pushes it to the array making a duplicated of it instead of removing it from the array. If I console log the index value, I get -1 for each array element that I'm trying to remove.

Here is the Blaze Code:

Template.Job_setup_page.onCreated(function homePageOnCreated() {

    this.checkedJobs = [];


    'click .filled-in'(event, instance) {
        var currentId = event.target.id;

                instruction: currentId,
                quantity: 1
        else {
            var index = instance.checkedJobs.indexOf(currentId);
            instance.checkedJobs.splice(index, 1);
            console.log("This is the current Id", currentId);
            console.log("this is the index", index);

indexOf searches for an element itself and will not be able to match an object by its instruction property. You should instead use a for-loop to iterate over your checkedJobs array and compare each instruction to currentId in order to find the correct index. Replace the contents of your else block with the following:

var jobs = instance.checkedJobs
for (var i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
  if (jobs[i].instruction === currentId) {
    instance.checkedJobs.splice(i, 1)
    console.log('currentId:', currentId)
    console.log('index:', i)

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