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Parsing large text file using regex

I have a large text file (60Mb) that looks like the following:

:VPN ()
:add_adtr_rule (true)
:additional_products ()
:addr_type_indication (IPv4)
:certificates ()
:color (black)
:comments ()
:connectra (false)
:connectra_settings ()
:cp_products_installed (false)
:data_source (not-installed)
:data_source_settings ()
:edges ()
:enforce_gtp_rate_limit (false)
:firewall (not-installed)
:floodgate (not-installed)
:gtp_rate_limit (2048)
:interfaces ()
:ipaddr (

for every instance in which :add_adtr_rule is true, there are thousands of ':add_adtr_rule (false)' entries, I need the value of the ipaddr - so in this instance I would need the How can I use a regex to extract this information.

I have tried the following code, that returns an empty list:

import re

with open("objects_5_0_C-Mod.txt", "r") as f:
    text = f.read()

ip=re.findall(r':add_adtr_rule [\(]true[\)]\s+.*\s+.*\s+.*\s+.*\s+:ipaddr\s+[\(](.*)[\)]', text)

The following regex should do it :


see regex demo / explanation

python ( demo )

import re

s = """:VPN () :add_adtr_rule (true) :additional_products () :addr_type_indication (IPv4) :certificates () :color (black) :comments () :connectra (false) :connectra_settings () :cp_products_installed (false) :data_source (not-installed) :data_source_settings () :edges () :enforce_gtp_rate_limit (false) :firewall (not-installed) :floodgate (not-installed) :gtp_rate_limit (2048) :interfaces () :ipaddr ("""
r = r"(?s)(?:add_adtr_rule\s\(true\)).*?:ipaddr\s\((.*?)\)"
ip = re.findall(r, s)
print (ip)

You might want to add anchors to speed up things. Consider the following example with MULTILINE and VERBOSE turned on:

^:add_adtr_rule\ \(true\)   # start of line, followed by :add_ ...
[\s\S]+?                    # everything else afterwards, lazily          
^:ipaddr\ \((?P<ip>[^)]+)\) # start of line, ip and group "ip" between ()

See a demo on regex101.com .

With your given code this comes down to:

 import re rx = re.compile(r''' ^:add_adtr_rule\\ \\(true\\) [\\s\\S]+? ^:ipaddr\\ \\((?P<ip>[^)]+)\\) ''', re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE) with open("objects_5_0_C-Mod.txt", "r") as f: text = f.read() ips = [match.group('ip') for match in rx.finditer(text)] print(ips) 

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