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error when emulate ionic 2 app on android studio

On my ionic 2 application, I would like to emaulte the application on android studio .

When I run this command on my terminal ionic emulate -l -s android I have this error:

Error: Cannot find module './version'

This is the output on my terminal:

watch failed: watcher error: 


Error: watch 
/home/user/Workspace/ionic-app/node_modules/ionicons/dist/fonts ENOSPC 
dev server running: 

Error: Cannot find module './version'

I don't understand where am I wrong. Why this error occured and what is this ./version module ?

I found the solution. During my project developpement, there was an update of android studio (sdk manager, sdk tools, gradle ... etc).

I have to delete the folder ionic-app/platforms/android , then re-build the application through android studio by importing the ionic application with gradle.

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