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PhpStorm array indentation 8 spaces in stead of 4

The code style in PhpStorm has been doing strange things to my array indentation. When creating a new array in a normal way

$array = [|] // The | marks my cursor

Then I press enter

$array = [
        | // My cursor starts all the way there

When I reformat my code using CMD + ALT + K , the indentation is reset.

$array = [
    | // To here

This happens in every file in my project. I have checked my code style preferences, I have set them to PSR1/PSR2 standard, and have checked every single option that has something to do with indentation/arrays.

This only happens to arrays, not to function declarations, class declarations and control structures.

Is anyone familiar with this problem and if so, is there a solution?

Try this:

1.Go to Preferences -> Code Style -> PHP -> Set from... -> Predefined Style -> allows you to set your code style guidelines to the styles such as PSR-2 and Zend.

2.Go to Code -> Reformat Code -> This option will format all of your code to the code style you set. We recently converted our codebase of around 300,000 lines to the PSR-2 standard. It was done in less than 5 minutes.

Hope this helps. :)

This option is located here:

Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> PHP

Option name:

Continuation indent:

And change from 8 to 4 .

In case you face the same problem. Make sure to disable your .editorconfig rules as those might conflict with your Predefined Style rules. At Editor > Code Style > EditorConfig , scroll at the bottom and uncheck Enable EditorConfig support .

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