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How to define non-member operator overload for class template?

I have a class template that has a constructor taking an std::chrono::duration, because I want to be able to use the chrono_literals to construct it. Now, I'm trying to define a non-member operator overload but I can't get it to work with the duration constructor:

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <int n> struct MyClass {
  MyClass() = default;

  template <typename REP, typename PERIOD>
  constexpr MyClass(const std::chrono::duration<REP, PERIOD> &d) noexcept
      : num(d.count()) {}

  int num = n;

template <int n> bool operator==(MyClass<n> lhs, MyClass<n> rhs) {
  return lhs.num == rhs.num;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;

  MyClass<0> m1(10ns);

  if (m1 == 10ns)
    cout << "Yay!" << endl;
  return 0;

gcc is giving this error for rejecting my overload:

main.cpp:34:12: error: no match for ‘operator==’ (operand types are ‘MyClass<0>’ and ‘std::chrono::nanoseconds {aka std::chrono::duration<long int, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> >}’)
     if (m1 == 10ns)
main.cpp:23:6: note: candidate: template<int n> bool operator==(MyClass<n>, MyClass<n>)
 bool operator == (MyClass<n> lhs, MyClass<n> rhs)
main.cpp:23:6: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
main.cpp:34:15: note:   ‘std::chrono::duration<long int, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> >’ is not derived from ‘MyClass<n>’
     if (m1 == 10ns)

Is there any way to make this work?

The simpler way is to put the function in the class:

template <int n> struct MyClass {
  MyClass() = default;

  template <typename REP, typename PERIOD>
  constexpr MyClass(const std::chrono::duration<REP, PERIOD> &d) noexcept
      : num(d.count()) {}

    friend bool operator==(MyClass lhs, MyClass rhs) { return lhs.num == rhs.num; }

  int num = n;


This doesn't work:

if (m1 == 10ns)

because when we're doing lookup on operator== between MyClass<0> and std::chrono::duration<???, std::nano> , the only operator we find is:

template <int n>
bool operator==(MyClass<n> lhs, MyClass<n> rhs);

This isn't a match - 10ns is not a MyClass<n> for any n , so template deduction fails. To write a non-member equality operator, you would need to match against any duration:

template <int n, class R, class P> bool operator==(MyClass<n>, duration<R,P> );

in both directions:

template <int n, class R, class P> bool operator==(duration<R,P>, MyClass<n> );

In addition to the operator you already have. That would work, and is sometimes even necessary.

A simpler approach would be to declare your operator== as non-member friend, as Jarod42 suggests. The reason this works is that where your non-member function was a function template, the friend is not . So lookup on m1 == 10ns finds the function:

bool operator==(MyClass<0>, MyClass<0>);

10ns is convertible to MyClass<0> , which is allowed in this context, so this works. That conversion is very cheap, so no worries there. And you just have to write the one function.

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