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php eval and pg_execute not working! arg

What am I missing? I am building a dynamic query and preparing the query for postgres. It should work but the eval statement does not do it's magic. What am I missing?

Is there another way to pass a string with multiple variables besides the eval? Thanks.

The brief explanation.

$condition = array();
$values    = array();
$pgarray   = array();

$country = 254;
$city    = "Seattle";

$condition[] = " AND city = $";
$values[]    = $city;
$pgarray[]   = "\$city";

$condition[] = " AND country = $";
$values[]    = $country;
$pgarray[]   = "\$country";

$as = sizeof($condition);

for ( $x=0; $x<$as; $x++ ) {
   $index = $x + 1;  //We need to start at one not 0
   $qclause = $qclause . $condition[$x] . $index . "  ";

// This is what qclause equates to.
// AND city = $1 AND country = $2 

$pgarray = implode(", ", $pgarray);

// This is what pgarray equated to.
// $city, $country

$query  = "Select companyid, city, name from company where 1 = 1 $qclause";
$result = pg_prepare($dbconnect, 'q1', $query);
$runthis = "pg_execute(\$dbconnect, 'q1', array($pgarray) )";

// This is what $runthis equated to.
// pg_execute($dbconnect, 'q1', array($city, $country) )

$result = eval($runthis);

While ..... {
   bla bla bla

Oh, I have also done

$result = eval('return $runthis');

No errors are generated. The prepare gets logged in postgres log file but the pg_execute never happens.

Am I missing something really obvious ?




$pgarray[]   = "\$city";
$pgarray[]   = "\$country";


$pgarray[]   = $city;
$pgarray[]   = $country;


$runthis = "pg_execute(\$dbconnect, 'q1', array($pgarray) )";


$result = pg_execute($dbconnect, 'q1', $pgarray );

And it solved the problem or should I say my buggy code.

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