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compare date from DBfield with current date

I'm new to the .NET world, so pardon my newbie question.

I'm building a webapp which gets data from a database. I am using Entity Framework, database first approach. I want to compare a date field from the database with the current date. If there's 20 or less days remaining til the current date, i want it to be shown in my view. If there's more that 20 days remaining, it should not be shown in my view. Right now i am presenting everything.


    public ActionResult Index()
        var model = new HomeVM
            Offerter = db.AH_AVTAL_HUVUD.ToList(),
            Kallelser = db.AS_AVTAL_SCHEMA.ToList()
            //This is where the datefield is, in Kallelser.

        return View(model);


    public class HomeVM
    public IEnumerable<AH_AVTAL_HUVUD> Offerter { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<AS_AVTAL_SCHEMA> Kallelser { get; set; }


 @foreach (var item in Model.Kallelser)
                                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.AS_SC_DAT)
                                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.AS_SC_VECKA)
                                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.AS_SC_OP_TXT)

How can i do this kind of logic? And where? I assume the it should be done in the controller.

Best Regards.

I Hope I Fully Understood You

//this is the after 20 days
 var ComparingDay = DateTime.Now.AddDays(20);

//this linq expression to get days between today and the comparing day
var ListOfNextDays = YouContextClass.YourDBSet.Where(D => D.Date > DateTime.Now && D.Date < ComparingDay).ToList();

Now You Have List Of Days That You Can Pass To You View

if you want the other days that dosn't match your condition u can use the except operator

I assume you wrote a sql somewhere in your application. Just add a where clause to it to retrieve only those you want to show.

FROM   Table t

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