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Using Averageif for 2 criteria in an Array in Excel

I'm trying to use the Averageif(s) formula for an array with two criteria for data that is in columnar form, with skill (ie, SAP, column C), company (ie, Facebook, column D), and rate (ie, $25, column E).

I'd like the find the average rate for each skill with the following criteria:

  1. the averageif formula will ignore 0s so as to not skew the average
  2. the averageif formula will take the average of each skill.

So far I've tried =AVERAGEIF($C$7:$C$138,C7=$C$7:$C$138,$E$7:$E$138) but it is showing a #DIV/0 error.

How do I incorporate criteria #1 into the formula?
Thank you!



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