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Why PUN is not giving callbacks? ProtonNetworking is not working as expected

i am trying to make simple steps with PUN, just connect to master server, and join random room. I have setted log all info to console, and as I understand I am connectin to server, but OnConnectedToMaster is never called.

 using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
     using Photon;
 public class  RandomMatchmakera : Photon.PunBehaviour {

/// <summary>
/// MonoBehaviour method called on GameObject by Unity during early initialization phase.
/// </summary>
void Avake(){
    // this makes sure we can use PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel() on the master client and all clients in the same room sync their level automatically
    PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene = true;


void Start(){
    // the following line checks if this client was just created (and not yet online). if so, we connect
    if (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed == ClientState.PeerCreated)
        Debug.Log ("connecting");
        // Connect to the photon master-server. We use the settings saved in PhotonServerSettings (a .asset file in this project)

public void OnJoinedLobby()
    Debug.Log("DemoAnimator/Launcher: OnJoinedLobby() was called by PUN");
public override void OnConnectedToMaster()
    Debug.Log("DemoAnimator/Launcher: OnConnectedToMaster() was called by PUN");

public override void OnDisconnectedFromPhoton()

    Debug.LogWarning("DemoAnimator/Launcher: OnDisconnectedFromPhoton() was called by PUN");        

public override void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed(object[] codeAndMsg){
    Debug.LogWarning("DemoAnimator/Launcher: Failing joining random room");
    PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (null, new RoomOptions (){ MaxPlayers = 4 }, null);
public override void OnJoinedRoom(){
    Debug.LogWarning("DemoAnimator/Launcher: Joined room");

public void OnFailedToConnectToPhoton(object parameters)
    Debug.Log("OnFailedToConnectToPhoton. StatusCode: " + parameters + " ServerAddress: " + PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress);

Here are going loggs.



I have just copy pasted your solution and it is successfully being called.Assuming you are using PhotonTutorials from PUN asset and Marco Polo example I think you have not referenced RandomMatchmakera script from your project. 这是你的做法

I hope this will help someone. For me the problem was with my region. I had selected my region to none instead of specifying it to a particular region. Therefore locate the


file and change the region to something specific eg EU, Kr etc

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