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How does apache 2 server process http GET request?

I was trying an IOT project where in I want to update the database remotely using ESP8266-01 module. I have the php file to update the database, but to execute that I am trying with GET method. Unfortunately, it wan't working. The server received the request in the access.log, but wan't updating the database. Wanted to debug, so I had this question.

The entry in the access.log is as follows: - - [18/Mar/2017:20:23:40 +0000] "GET collectdata.php?status=1 HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\n\\r\\n" 400 0 "-" "-"

This looks wrong: GET collectdata.php...

That needs to be a full path, eg. GET /collectdata.php or GET /scripts/collectdata.php , or similar.

The 400 response code you're seeing in the log means "Bad request", and the lack of a leading slash (and the rest of the path, if needed) is what Apache is complaining about.

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