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How do I initialize a WPF datagrid ItemsSource in VB code behind?

I am trying to learn additional options when using the WPF DataGrid element using Auto-Generated Columns.

The XAML is:

<Window x:Class="DataGrid.MainWindow"
    Title="DataGrid with Autogenerated Columns" Height="350" Width="525">
<DataGrid Name="dataGrid"/>

I have this example to initialize the DataGrid ItemsSource in C#:

        public MainWindow()

        dataGrid.ItemsSource = new Record[]
            new Record { FirstName="first1", LastName="last1"},
            new Record { FirstName="first2", LastName="last2" }

    Class Record is defined in another file

I wanted to see this in VB, but I'm having difficulty understanding exactly what the C# code above is doing. Is there some type of casting taking place? My attempts to initialize the DataGrid ItemsSource didn't work because I couldn't figure out how to initialize the DataGrid ItemsSource as an IEnumberable. How do I initialize the DataGrid ItemsSource using VB?

DataGrid.ItemsSource uses/accept collections for displaying data.
Seems you trying use Collection Initializers

As you already noticed by yourself (from the comments), you can use array initializer

datagrid.ItemsSource = 
    New Record With { .FirstName="first1", .LastName="last1" },
    New Record With { .FirstName="first2", .LastName="last2" }

Or you can create a list by using From keyword

datagrid.ItemsSource = New List(Of Record) From
    New Record With { .FirstName="first1", .LastName="last1" },
    New Record With { .FirstName="first2", .LastName="last2" }

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