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How do I set the ItemsSource of a DataGrid in XAML?

I'm trying to set the ItemsSource property of a DataGrid named dgIssueSummary to be an ObservableCollection named IssueSummaryList . Currently, everything is working when I set the ItemsSource property in my code-behind:

public partial class MainPage : UserControl
    private ObservableCollection<IssueSummary> IssueSummaryList = new ObservableCollection<IssueSummary>

    public MainPage()
        dgIssueSummary.ItemsSource = IssueSummaryList

However, I'd rather set the ItemsSource property in XAML, but I can't get it to work. Here's the XAML code I have:

<sdk:DataGrid x:Name="dgIssueSummary" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                ItemsSource="{Binding IssueSummaryList}" >
        <sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding ProblemType}" Header="Problem Type"/>
        <sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Count}" Header="Count"/>

What do I need to do to set the ItemsSource property to be the IssueSummaryList in XAML rather than C#?

You need to make "IssueSummaryList" a property. If you do this, you can bind to it directly. You can't bind via Xaml to a private field.

You'll also need to set the DataContext to " this " (or use another method to get it to find the appropriate instance).

Your IssueSummaryList is private. You need to make it a Property with get and set

public ObservableCollection<IssueSummary> IssueSummaryList 
        // ...

The XAML is correct, so the problem must be in the Binding.

  • Is the ObservableCollection exposed as a property?
  • How have you set the Binding? In the most simple case you use code like:


in the Window_Load eventhandler

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