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How to make Python.exe stay open when running from Windows Task Scheduler

I am running a .py file from Windows Task Scheduler. For most files this works fine as follows:

  1. Create new task in TS
  2. In TS on the "Actions" tab under "Program/script:" specify the path to python.exe (Example: C:\\Users\\User\\Python.exe)
  3. In TS in the "Add arguments" section, add the path to the .py file in quotes (Example: "C:\\Path\\To\\Py\\pythonfiletorun.py")

When this works correctly, Python.exe pops up for a split second, runs the program and vanishes.

However, I have one .py file that isn't working. When I try to run it from QT Console it works fine. When I use the TS process it fails. And the Python.exe closes so fast I can't see what is wrong.

I tried converting everything to a batch file so "Program/script" becomes "cmd" and "Add arguments" becomes: /k "C:\\Path\\To\\batchfile.bat" which then houses the paths and instructions.

This opens a command prompt (and keeps it open) but from here the main command prompt opens the python.exe command prompt which runs and closes just as fast.

I tried placing the /k in various places to no avail.

I also tried putting an input qualifier at the end of the .py script (Ex: input("Press any key to...") in hopes that would cause the Python.exe command to stay open but it doesn't.

Ultimately, I need the Python.exe command to stay open to see what is wrong.

Ok so the approach below worked (thanks to all for their input).

First, create a batch file that says:

start C:\Users\Path\To\Python.exe C:\Users\Path\To\PyFileToRun.py 

Go to where this is saved and double click to ensure it works. Once this works, recopy it with the "-i" between the Python.exe path and the .py file path like so:

start C:\Users\Path\To\Python.exe -i C:\Users\Path\To\PyFileToRun.py 

Now go to TS and in "Program/script" insert:


Leave the "Arguments" field in TS blank.

Now run the TS task and it should run and leave the Python.exe open so you can explore the problems.

Thanks again all

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