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Cannot call value of non function type SKShapeNode

I keep trying to fix this error and trying to make the character contain in the row which will be an int.

 func isRightTileAt(location:CGPoint) ->Bool {
    //as shape node so we can get fill
    var currentRect = self.atPoint(location) as! SKShapeNode
    //get the 10th character which will contain the row and make it an int
   // let rowOfNode = Int(currentRect.name![10]) //error(tried both of these)
    var rowOfNode = Int(currentRect(name[10])) //error 
    //flip position is used for the row index below the screen to flip it to the top.
    var currentRow = self.flipPosition + 1
    var currentRowOfClick = self.flipPosition

    //we reuse the flip position because it hasn't flipped yet but it normally contains the right row.
    //because flip position happens after this check so it won't be sent back around yet
    if self.flipPosition == 5 {
        currentRowOfClick = 0
    //if they are at least on the right row
    if rowOfNode == currentRowOfClick && currentRect.fillColor.hash == 65536{
        return true
    return false

There are several challenges accessing the characters of the name property of SKNode or an SKNode subclass (such as SKShapeNode ).

First, since name is a String? , it needs to be unwrapped.

guard let string = self.name else {

Second, you can't access the characters of a String with an Int subscript; you'll need to use a String.Index .

// Since Swift is zero based, the 10th element is at index 9; use 10 if you want the 11th character.
let index = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: 9)
// The 10th character of the name
let char = string[index]

Third, you can't directly convert a Character to an Int . You'll need to convert the character to a String and then convert the string to an Int .

let rowString = String(char)

// Unwrap since Int(string:String) returns nil if the string is not an integer
guard let row = Int(rowString) else {

At this point, row is the 10th character of name converted to an Int .

Alternatively, you can implement the above as an extension

extension String {
    func int(at index:Int) -> Int? {
        let index = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
        let string = String(self[index])
        return Int(string)

and use it with

guard let name = self.name, let row = name.int(at:9) else {

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