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Cannot call value of non-function type '[AVAssetTrack]'

When i am importing Swift library in objective c project then i am facing this problem but its working with swift project. Here is the class. Please review

  1. I import library via pod.

  2. Then add swift bridging file and then build after then run application then its give me error.

  3. Here is the problem 这是问题所在


final class FDAudioContext {

/// The audio asset URL used to load the context
public let audioURL: URL

/// Total number of samples in loaded asset
public let totalSamples: Int

/// Loaded asset
public let asset: AVAsset

// Loaded assetTrack
public let assetTrack: AVAssetTrack

private init(audioURL: URL, totalSamples: Int, asset: AVAsset, assetTrack: AVAssetTrack) {
    self.audioURL = audioURL
    self.totalSamples = totalSamples
    self.asset = asset
    self.assetTrack = assetTrack

public static func load(fromAudioURL audioURL: URL, completionHandler: @escaping (_ audioContext: FDAudioContext?) -> ()) {
    let asset = AVURLAsset(url: audioURL, options: [AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey: NSNumber(value: true as Bool)])

    guard let assetTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.audio).first else {
        NSLog("FDWaveformView failed to load AVAssetTrack")

    asset.loadValuesAsynchronously(forKeys: ["duration"]) {
        var error: NSError?
        let status = asset.statusOfValue(forKey: "duration", error: &error)
        switch status {
        case .loaded:
                let formatDescriptions = assetTrack.formatDescriptions as? [CMAudioFormatDescription],
                let audioFormatDesc = formatDescriptions.first,
                let asbd = CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetStreamBasicDescription(audioFormatDesc)
                else { break }

            let totalSamples = Int((asbd.pointee.mSampleRate) * Float64(asset.duration.value) / Float64(asset.duration.timescale))
            let audioContext = FDAudioContext(audioURL: audioURL, totalSamples: totalSamples, asset: asset, assetTrack: assetTrack)

        case .failed, .cancelled, .loading, .unknown:
            print("FDWaveformView could not load asset: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")

xcode 9.3 try

    public static func load(fromAudioURL audioURL: URL, completionHandler: @escaping (_ audioContext: FDAudioContext?) -> ()) {
    let asset = AVURLAsset(url: audioURL, options: [AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey: NSNumber(value: true as Bool)])

    /// guard let assetTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.audio).first else {
    guard let assetTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio).first else {
        NSLog("FDWaveformView failed to load AVAssetTrack")

am also facing this issue and change like below.

guard let assetTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio).first else {
    NSLog("FDWaveformView failed to load AVAssetTrack")

this may works for you.

guard let assetTrack = asset.tracks.first else {
            NSLog("FDWaveformView failed to load AVAssetTrack")

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