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Perl Regex match and replace

I try insert new line after < /a>

I tried this 
perl -pe '/<\/a> $&\n /g' teste.txt


Source code
<a href="/link/">link</a><a href="/link2/">link2</a>


<a href="/link/">link</a>
<a href="/link2/">link2</a>


perl -pe 's/<\/a>/$&\n /g' teste.txt

A plain /xxx/ will just perform a match, you need s/xxx/yyy/ to perform a single replacement, and a s/xxx/yyy/g to perform multiple replacements. You may also replace the / with another character such as | so you do not need to escape any characters, which makes it more readable.

perl -pe 's|</a>|$&\n|g;' teste.txt

Have a look at perldoc perlretut for a gentle introduction to perl regular expressions.

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