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Handle object of different types

From my backend API, I get a json of objects consisting of array, dictionary, number, bool, string etc. For eg.

id : 1,
name : "abcd"
id : 2,
name : "abcde"
id : 3,
name : "abcde"
total_count : 10

Sometimes the value in total_count comes as a number and sometimes it comes as a string. In my code I have coded

[lbl setText:[jsonObject valueForKey:@"total_count"]]

This crashes because when the total_count key value is a number. Obviously I can do this

[lbl setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",[[jsonObject valueForKey:@"total_count"] intValue]]];

but this happens at a lot of places in the API. A string is coming instead of a bool. data:false instead of data:[]


[[AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager] GET:[URLString attachToken] parameters:parameters success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation * _Nonnull operation, id  _Nonnull responseObject) {
        if([[[responseObject valueForKey:@"response"] valueForKey:@"status"] boolValue]) {
                if(success)success(operation, **responseObject**);

            } failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation * _Nonnull operation, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
                if(failure)failure(operation, error);
                if(operation.response.statusCode == 0) {
                    ATAFNetworkingRequestObject *obj = [[ATAFNetworkingRequestObject alloc] init];
                    obj.urlString = URLString;
                    obj.paramters = parameters;
                    obj.successBlock = success;
                    obj.failureBlock = failure;
                    obj.type = ATNetworkingRequestGET;
                    if(![self duplicateRequestExists:obj])[pendingAPICalls addObject:obj];

                [self logAPIFailedWithOperation:operation parameters:parameters error:error];
            } autoRetry:5 retryInterval:7];

do like after serilization based on your A string is coming instead of a bool. data:false instead of data:[] A string is coming instead of a bool. data:false instead of data:[]

if([datajsonObject isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]){
    //Is array
}else if([datajsonObject isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]){
    //is dictionary
}else if([datajsonObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
    //is String
    //is something else

You can check server value is Number or string as this

NSString *newString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[[jsonObject valueForKey:@"total_count"]

if ([newString isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
    NSLog(@"It is number");
if ([newString isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
    NSLog(@"It is string");

Swift code :

lblCount.text = String(datajsonObject["total_count"] as AnyObject)

Objective c :

NSString *strCount = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[jsonObject valueForKey:@"total_count"]]

if ([strCount isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
    // Write your code to show on label

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