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Three.js - how to make objects with different positions look at Orthographic camera using vectors?

Three.js 76

I start to use Orthographic camera instead Perspective - has some troubles.

I use stemkoski's shader-glow for point animation in scene: he created some sphere and then use shader for it transparancy, i just add animation to it.

function animatePoints() {        
    var alphas;
    var count;
    var time;

    let j = 0;

    while ( animatedPoints[j] ) {

        let threeGlow = animatedPoints[j];

        let finishAnimation = threeGlow.meta.state.finishAnimation;
        let itFinished = 0;
        let pointGlowMat = threeGlow.material;
        let pointGlowGeom = threeGlow.geometry;

        // ########## make glow look at camera
        pointGlowMat.uniforms.viewVector.value = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( threeGlow.position, camera.position);

        alphas = pointGlowGeom.attributes.alpha;
        count = alphas.count;
        time = 0.001* Date.now();

        if ( finishAnimation ) {
        } else {

        alphas.needsUpdate = true;


Main goal - to make glow look at camera. When camera was perspective i use solution with subtracts two vectors - camera position and glow position, so it look like glow looking at camera.

pointGlowMat.uniforms.viewVector.value = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( camera.position, threeGlow.position );

But now, when i use Orthographic camera this solution doesn't work correctly. The problem is that now the glow should look not at camera position point, it should look at plane of the camera.

I make some pic scheme for that situation: look it, it very useful

So for each new glow (it's positions of course different) i must get new red vector, to make each glow look at orto cam.

Any ideas?

What you need to do to get the red vector in your image, is project vector sub on the vector representing the direction in which the camera is looking.

I think this is what you need:

pointGlowMat.uniforms.viewVector.value = new THREE.Vector3()
    .subVectors( camera.position, threeGlow.position )
    .projectOnVector( camera.getWorldDirection() );

One way to make an object "look at" an orthographic camera by using this pattern:

object.quaternion.copy( camera.quaternion );

The object's view direction will be perpendicular to the camera's projection plane.

This approach is appropriate if neither the object nor the camera have a rotated parent.

three.js r.84

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