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CSVPrinter new line character

I used com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter to print report csv file.

ByteArrayOutputStream csvOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
CSVPrinter csvp = new CSVPrinter(csvOut);

for(SiteSector siteSector : siteSectorList){
    siteSectors.append(siteSector.getSector().getName()).append("   Description: ").append(siteSector.getSector().getDescription())
    .append("   Primary: ").append(siteSector.isDefaultSector() ? "Yes" : "No").append("\r\n");}

String[] contents = new String[]{siteCodes.toString(), siteSectors.toString()};


The "\\r\\n" does not work as expected as creating new line as below, 新队

Could someone please advise me how to add new line character?

Thanks, Sean

writeln() stands for "write line".

You have to invoke csvp.writeln() for every line that you want to write (from within your for loop) - no need for adding manual line separators.

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