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How to count word frequency from a Pandas Dataframe- Python

I currently created a Pandas Dataframe from a dictionary. The Dataframe looks something like:

      URL         TITLE
0   /xxxx.xx   Hi this is word count
1   /xxxx.xx   Hi this is Stack Overflow
2   /xxxx.xx   Stack Overflow Questions

I want to add a new column to this table, which lists the number of frequency the word "Stack Overflow" appears. So for example, it would be like:

      URL         TITLE                          COUNT
0   /xxxx.xx   Hi this is word count               0
1   /xxxx.xx   Hi this is Stack Overflow           1
2   /xxxx.xx   Stack Overflow Questions            1

The count function does not seem to work for dictionaries, but only for strings. Would there bean easy way to do this?

Assuming this is actually a pandas dataframe , you could do:

import pandas as pd

table = {   'URL': ['/xxxx.xx', '/xxxx.xx', '/xxxx.xx'], 
            'TITLE': ['Hi this is word count', 'Hi this is Stack Overflow', 'Stack Overflow Questions']}

df = pd.DataFrame(table)
df['COUNT'] = df.TITLE.str.count('Stack Overflow')

This yields:

                       TITLE       URL  COUNT
0      Hi this is word count  /xxxx.xx      0
1  Hi this is Stack Overflow  /xxxx.xx      1
2   Stack Overflow Questions  /xxxx.xx      1

The count() method on dataframes is good at counting occurrences of a single values such as "Stack Overflow".

To do frequency analysis of multiple values, consider using collection.Counter(data) and its .most_common(k) method.

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