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Escaping Quotes in Chef Bash

This I need quotes in a cronjob which I am creating through a chef recipe but even though I escape the quotes they do not appear in the cronjob which is created.

bash "Add cron" do
  user root
  group root
  code <<-EOH
        (crontab -l; echo "5 0 * * * /bin/find #{node['user']['dir']}/files/ -type f \\( -name \"*.csv\" -o -name \"*.csv.bad\" -o -name \"*.ctrl\" \\) -mtime +1 -print0 | xargs -0 gzip -f" ) | crontab -

just to clarify the cron job I want to end up with should contain -name "*.csv"

but what I actually get is -name *.csv

bash "Add cron" do
  user "root"
  group "root"
  code <<-EOH
        (crontab -l; echo -e '5 0 * * * /bin/find /home/root/files/ -type f \\( -name \"*.csv\" -o -name \"*.csv.bad\" -o -name \"*.ctrl\" \\) -mtime +1 -print0 | xargs -0 gzip -f'

Use single quote instead of double here.

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