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How to find element Internet Explorer, using selenium and Python

I'm trying to enter text into a login page. The login page is: https://ppair.uspto.gov/TruePassSample/AuthenticateUserLocalEPF.html

using "inspect elements" in Internet Explorer (the website only load in Internet Explorer) it seems to me that the name for the "select Digital certificate" text field is: "username"

This is my script:

import os
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

# Digital Certificate Path
DigitalCertificateFolder = 'C:\FOLDER'
DigitalCertificateFile = 'FILE.epf'
DigitalCertificatePath = DigitalCertificateFolder + '\\' + DigitalCertificateFile

password = 'PASSWORD'

# get the path of IEDriverServer
dir = 'C:\FOLDER2'
ie_driver_path = dir + "\IEDriverServer.exe"

# create a new Internet Explorer session
driver = webdriver.Ie(ie_driver_path)

# navigate to the application home page

# get the search textbox
Select_Digital_Certificate = driver.find_element_by_name("username")

This is the output from inspect element in Internet Explorer:

 <INPUT name=username style="CURSOR: auto; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; BACKGROUND-ATTACHMENT: scroll; BACKGROUND-POSITION: right center" type=text size=38 lpcachedvisval="1" lpcachedvistime="1491220212"> 

When I try to run the script in the console to receive the following error: "NameError: name 'Select_Digital_Certificate' is not defined".

Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

Required input field located inside an iframe , so you need to switch to that iframe before handling input :

Select_Digital_Certificate = driver.find_element_by_name("username")

To switch back to main HTML document you might need to use


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