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Access an object member inside an array of objects using Twig Engine

I have array of object if I using print_r looks like :

        [0] => stdClass Object
                [name] => User1
                [user_id] => 1
                [email] => user1@website.com

        [1] => stdClass Object
                [name] => User2
                [user_id] => 2
                [email] => user2@website.com

        [2] => stdClass Object
                [name] => User3
                [user_id] => 3
                [email] => user3@website.com

I want to loop and show them using Twig Engine then access member of object like name , email using Twig Engine too. How do that? I was tried but always error. I'm new about Twig.

Try this in Twig

{% for user in users %}
    <li><span>{{ user.name }}</span><span>{{ user.email}}</span></li>
{% endfor %}

Try this:

$object = your Std class Object;

foreach($object as $data)
    echo $data->name;
    echo $data->user_id;
    echo $data->email;

In twig you can use it like:

{% for user in users %}
    <li><span>{{ user.name }}</span><span>{{ user.email}}</span></li>
{% endfor %}

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