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Java Pong collision detection

Hello I am trying to make a pong game with java and everything works great except collision part. I firstly used Bounds class and intersects method to solve this collision problem but this method only works for the collision case shown on the picture I drew.


So I wrote new code myself instead of using the Bounds class, and I successfully created method for side collision detection but I am again having hard time to solve collision detection for the top and bottom of the paddle.

public boolean collideRight(Ball ball){
        return true;
        return false;

and This is the method I made for top and bottom collision detection.

public boolean collideRightUpSide(Ball ball){
        return true;
        return false;

Can someone please help me.

Try to include both the if statements in one function which looks something like this:

public boolean collideFunction(Ball ball){
        return true;
    else if((ball.getLayoutX()+ball.getRadius()>=player.getLayoutX()&&ball.getLayoutX()-ball.getRadius()<=player.getLayoutX()+width)&&(ball.getLayoutY()+ball.getRadius()>=player.getLayoutY()&&ball.getLayoutY()-ball.getRadius()<=player.getLayoutY()+height)){
        return true;
        return false;

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