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window error: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '.prank/*.* is shown

My PrankHeader.py

import os

def removeNumber(str):
    no_digit = []

    for char in str:
        if not char.isdigit():

    return no_digit

def renameFiles():
    saved_file = os.getcwd()

    # 1. loop through files in the directory
    for files in os.listdir("./prank"):
        # 2. if the file has the number, delete.
        newFile = removeNumber(files)
        # 3. make the list of char to string
        newFile = ''.join(newFile)
        os.rename(files, newFile)


And my Prank.py

import PrankHeader

Both files are in the folder C:/Users/Myname/Desktop/LocalServer/Prank, and the filder has the folder, Prank, which contains the pictures.

When I tried to implement the program it showed me "window error: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '.prank/ . '

Is there anyone who knows why I have an error?

If you change the following line

for files in os.listdir("./prank"):


for files in os.listdir("."):

it should work. You are running the program from the directory Prank. Then you do a


So you enter the directory Prank/Prank. In that directory you do a


so it's looking for the directory Prank/prank/prank which it won't find. But with os.listdir("."): you are listing files in current directory (which is Prank/Prank)

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