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Validation of password and confirm password in PHP Error shows all the time

So i am trying to create a Login form and now i am at the part when i want to validate the password and the confirm password. The code i used (you can find it below) shows me everytime i submit Register button the "the password and confirm password do not match" even thought i enter the same password. any idea what should be changed in my code to remove the error?



function isUnique($email){
$query="select * from users where email ='$email'";
global $db;

 $result = $db->query($query);

return false;
else return true;

if(isset($_POST['register'])) {
$_SESSION['name']=$_POST ['name'];
$_SESSION['email']=$_POST ['email'];
$_SESSION['password']=$_POST ['password'];
$_SESSION['confirm_password']=$_POST ['confirm_password'];

header("Location:register.php?err=".urlencode ("The name must be at least 3   characters long"));

else if(strlen($_POST['password']) < 5 ){
  header("Location:register.php?err=".urlencode ("The password should be at  least 5 characters"));
else if(strlen($_POST['confirm_password']) < 5 ){
  header("Location:register.php?err=".urlencode ("The Confirm password     should be at least 5 characters"));
else if(!isUnique($_POST['email'])){
  header("location:register.php?err=".urlencode ("Email is already in use.   Please use another one"));
else if($_POST['[password'] != $_POST['confirm_password']) {
     header("Location:register.php?err=".urlencode ("The password and confirm           password do not match"));


and here is the other part where i put the condition when the error msg should be displayed.

`<form action="register.php" method="post" style="margin-top:35px;">
  <h2> Register Here </h2>

  if(isset ($_GET['err']))  { ?>

  <div class="alert alert-danger"><?php echo $_GET['err']; ?></div>
  <?php } 

You just had a little typo:

Instead of $_POST['[password'] use $_POST['password']

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