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looping through array content with a delay

this is a jquery/ javascript problem. So I have an array that contains button numbers and outputs those buttons onto a button which will result in the button being clicked. The problem is that all the buttons get clicked at once if I run the loop. Instead I want it to output the numbers with a delay so that the buttons will be pressed after a 1 second delay.

Here is the link to the Simon game project: https://codepen.io/roger1891/full/vmYqwx/

The problem is visible after following the 1st button. After that, the computer will press the next 2 buttons at the same time instead of pressing them separately after a 1 sec delay.

The problem is located in this loop which is located in the myloop() function:

sequenceArray.forEach(function(item, index, array){
  //click button by getting the last index of the array


This is the full code:

 //associating buttons to sound
  var soundButton = function(buttonId, soundId) {
    $("#" + buttonId).click(function(){
    $("#" + soundId).get(0).play();  
    $("#" + buttonId).css("opacity", "0.5");
    setTimeout( function(){
      $("#" + buttonId).css("opacity", "1");
    if(currentPlayerTurn == "human") {
       var $input = $(this);
       var attrString = $input.attr("id");
       //only get number from id attribute
       var strNum = attrString.replace( /^\D+/g, '');
       //convert theNumber from string to number
       var theNum = parseInt(strNum);

  function myLoop() { 
    setInterval( function(){
      if(gameWon == false && onGoingGame == true && currentPlayerTurn == "computer" && score < 5) {

        //increment score  
        //append to score id
       //create random number
        randomNumber = Math.floor((Math.random()*4) + 1);
        //push random number into array
        //loop through array

        sequenceArray.forEach(function(item, index, array){
        //click button by getting the last index of the array


        currentRound = sequenceArray.length;
        onGoingGame = false;
        currentPlayerTurn = "human";

      if(currentPlayerTurn == "human") {
        var is_same = playerArray.length == sequenceArray.length && playerArray.every(function(element, index) {
          return element === sequenceArray[index]; 
        if(is_same == true) {
          playerArray = [];
          onGoingGame = true;
          currentPlayerTurn = "computer";



Thank you in advance for your help.

Since you want to trigger the buttons one by one, your setTimeout() should be inside the loop. Be mindful of the index, since this is async.

sequenceArray.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
    // set a timeout so each second one button gets clicked
    setTimeout( (function( index ) {
        // use a closure here so that our index values stay correct.
        return function() {
    }( index )), (1000 * index) );

edit: replaced the fixed 1000ms delay to delay * index


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