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How to give only one user more authorization than other users?

I have a question about giving authorization to a user by Admin but not to all users.

Example: Let assume we have 3 levels of users: 1) Admin as genera manager 2) HR , Sales as department head 3) users as normal employees

let say the Admin wants to go for a vacation for one week and wants to give HR department head an authorization(s) during the vacation but not Sales department head.

I DONT know if there is a key word in PHP for this scenario.

In my idea I want to make a php page in Admin account that shows all employees and each employee has a button to go to next page to show all authorization that the Admin can do it and in each one has check box. If any check box is selected, the auth. will be shown in that user.

I hope this is help.

Thank you

我认为您应该在user_tbl role int中添加一个字段,当任何用户登录时,其值对于管理员1是用户1,对于管理员2是值,那么您必须检查用户及其代表的角色(例如,如果用户A是登录名,其role是2然后),您可以为他显示管理员功能...

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