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How can I compare count of performing?

import random
import time

def insertion_Sort(A):

    if len(A) == 1 :
        return A
    else :
        S = [A[0]]
        for i in range(1,len(A)):
            j = i-1
            while j >= 0:
                if A[i] > S[j]:
                else :
                    j = j-1
            if j==-1:
        return S

def quick_Sort(A):

    if not A:
        return []
        pivot = random.randint(0, len(A) - 1)
        pivot_index = A[pivot]
        L = quick_Sort([l for i,l in enumerate(A)
                           if l <= pivot_index and i != pivot])
        R = quick_Sort([r for r in A if r > pivot_index])
        return L + [pivot_index] + R

RN = [random.randrange(0,10000) for k in range(100)]

This is the code about quick_sort and insertion_sort.

I want to compare two things, insertion_sort(RN)'s count of performing and quick_sort(RN)'s count of performing.

How can I compare these things?

There is a python module called timeit which is exactly what you are looking for. You can use it as follows:

from timeit import timeit
print(timeit('insertion_Sort(params)','from __main__ import insertion_Sort',number=100))
print(timeit('quick_Sort(params)','from __main__ import quick_Sort',number=100))

And you replace params with the value of your parameter A and number=100 with the number of times you want it to be tested.

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