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I need to load some modules but load module doesn't work in my environment unless I change the bash profile. How do I do this in tcsh?

. ~/.bashrc is what I'm use to source the bash script in bash shell. But I have quite a few scripts that I want to run from tcsh.But this command doesn't work for tcsh. Why doesn't this work? Is there a different file similar to bash profile when I work on t shell?

Any links to look up?


The tcsh equivalent to the bash and posix shell . is source .

That said, bash and tcsh are entirely different shells. You will not be able to source ~/.bashrc from tcsh, if that was your intent.

You can run a shell script of any type as long as that shell script has the appropriate shebang in its first line, but it'll run in its own process, and not in the context of your interactive tcsh instance.

If, for example, you have a directory: ~/.tcshrc.d , and you want to include all the files in that directory in your login shell, you might include the following in your .tcshrc file:

foreach i ( ~/.tcshrc.d/* )
        source $i

Note that this is tcsh code, and is not compatible with bash .

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