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JavaFX TableView seperate bean adapter for each row. How?

Having problems to bind bean adapter objects to TableView, which creates combobox with that adapter property.

lanSpecie.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<HAUL,Specie>, TableCell<HAUL,Specie>>() {
    public TableCell<HAUL, Specie> call(TableColumn<HAUL, Specie> param) {
        TableCell<HAUL, Specie> cell = new TableCell<>();
        ComboBox<Specie> comboBox = new ComboBox<>(FXCollections.observableList(specieService.findAllAdded()));
            try {
                comboBox.valueProperty().bindBidirectional(new JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder<Object>().bean(haulBean).name("specie").build());
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            cell.graphicProperty().bind(Bindings.when(cell.emptyProperty()).then((Node) null).otherwise(comboBox));
            return cell;

My table with 3 rows added:


Whenever I change one element, it automatically changes all 3.

Looking for solution or guide in the right direction, so that the table looks for each row element as a new HAUL object thus creating new adapter instance for each row.

The individual values for a cell are passed into the cell's updateItem(...) method when the cell needs to display a new value (eg when the cell is initialized, if the property changes, if the cell is reused for a new value, etc). You can control the value that is passed into the cell using the cellValueFactory :

lanSpecie.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> 
    new JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder<Specie>()

Having done that, you can get the functionality you need for the cell using the standard ComboBoxTableCell :


The ComboBoxTableCell is doing something like you would get with the following:

lanSpecie.setCellFactory(column -> new TableCell<HAUL, Specie>() {
    private final ComboBox<Specie> comboBox = new ComboBox<>();

        comboBox.setOnAction(e -> commitEdit(comboBox.getValue()));

    protected void updateItem(Specie specie, boolean empty) {
        super.updateItem(specie, empty);
        if (empty) {
        } else {

lanSpecie.setOnEditCommit(event -> {
    HAUL haul = event.getRowValue();

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