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Cannot change colorscheme in leiningen ultra plugin settings

I discovered leiningen ultra plugin, which provides a colorized REPL amongst other things: https://github.com/venantius/ultra

However, the colors, especially the "blue" for function symbols are not very readable in my terminal with the black background. I'd like to change the colors but wasn't able to do this following the documentation.

I added following configuration to my profiles.clj right under the :user key, but nothing has changed

:ultra {:repl {:color-scheme {:function-symbol [:red]
                              :class-delimiter [:red]}}}

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Has anyone been successful in setting custom color scheme?

Following configuration in ~/lein/profiles.clj works for me:

{:user {:plugins [[venantius/ultra "0.5.1"]]
        :ultra {:repl {:color-scheme {:delimiter [:blue]
                                      :symbol [:green]
                                      :keyword [:bold :yellow]}}}}}


To answer my own question:

It seems that it's not possible to provide custom colorscheme to modify output of source . https://github.com/venantius/glow is used to colorize the output of source and the terminal-default colorscheme is hardcoded in ultra plugin: https://github.com/venantius/ultra/blob/7ccac0749220028cda4c3c1ab4d4d45503cce0cc/src/ultra/repl.clj#L21

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