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How to make spring-boot application access different configurations for database for different scopes?

This used to be the previous scenario.

  public DataSource database1DataSource() {
    return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

Now, to test SQL queries, I added this,

  public DataSource myperksTestDataSource() { 
    return  DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

Similarly, I have created 2 methods each for PlatformTransactionManager and SqlSessionFactory . I realised that Spring-boot picks up SqlSessionFactory and if I create two there will be a conflict and there will be an IllegalStateException with Failed to load application context.

Situation :

I want to create two databases connection, one for production and another for integration testing. I have created configurations for each in application.yml file. I want spring to pick up appropriate configurations.

What I tried

I annotated production beans with @Primary . Which worked. I could get spring to run.


I do not use SqlSessionFactory directly, Spring does. If I mark SqlSessionFactory with primary and write another, it is of no use since no method is going to call it.

So, as a means of solution, I thought of conditionally assigning SqlSessionFactory with different datasources. But, how would I identify that the run time is a test.

You don't need any Java configuration at all. Cut it all and simply provide a value in the SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL environment variable when you start your application; Boot will construct and wire a DataSource connected there.

simply create a application.yml with different profiles, like:

  profiles: dev

    url: jdbc:h2DEV:mem;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
    username: sa 
    driverClassName: org.h2.Driver

  profiles: integ

    url: jdbc:h2Integ:mem;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
    username: sa 
    driverClassName: org.h2.Driver

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