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Create multiple columns from a single column

I am working on a data frame that has a column with the following:

1           A;B
2           A
3           D;A;C

I would like to have instead:

          Has_A      Has_B        Has_C   ...
1           1          1            0
2           1          0            0

Also, as a step further, there are some rows that contains something like "No products" or "None" and there is NaNs, I would like to put all these into 1 column (if possible ).

Any tips ? Is it possible to do ?

Thank you

You can use str.get_dummies mainly:

df = df['Products'].str.get_dummies(';').add_prefix('Has_')
print (df)
   Has_A  Has_B  Has_C  Has_D
0      1      1      0      0
1      1      0      0      0
2      1      0      1      1


There is also add solution with replace by dict created with list comprehension and added NaN and None .

df = pd.DataFrame({'Products': ['A;B', 'A', 'D;A;C', 'No prods', np.nan, 'None']})
print (df)
0       A;B
1         A
2     D;A;C
3  No prods
4       NaN
5      None

L = ['No prods','None']
d = {x :'No product' for x in L + [None, np.nan]}
df['Products'] = df['Products'].replace(d)
df = df['Products'].str.get_dummies(';').add_prefix('Has_')
print (df)
   Has_A  Has_B  Has_C  Has_D  Has_No product
0      1      1      0      0               0
1      1      0      0      0               0
2      1      0      1      1               0
3      0      0      0      0               1
4      0      0      0      0               1
5      0      0      0      0               1

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