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How to get JSON data from Angular JS controller

I have an user login..

this.logincheck = function(log) {           
          var parameter ={
                    "mail" :log.mail,
                    "password" :log.passwords
                url: '---------',
            }).success(function(data,status) {
            if(data.status=="success")  {   
                var sessionid = data.member.member_id; //Member JSON is defined below
                $state.go('dashboardsnewsucc.dashboardefault', {userid: sessionid}); // How to pass entire object to user dashboard
                alert("Invalid Username or Password try again. !!!");

I not only want member ID I want entire data present in the member.... I have the following controller :

.state('dashboardsnew', {
            abstract: true,
            url: "/dashboardsnew",
            templateUrl: "views/common/content-empty.html",

        .state('dashboardsnew.dashboardefault', {
            url: "/dashboardefault",
            templateUrl: "views/userdashboard.html",
            data: { pageTitle: 'Hive Dashboard',specialClass: 'loginscreen-gray-bg' },           

I have the following JSON data from web service.( After user logged in I get this JSON data).

  "member": {
    "member_id": 51,
    "first_name": "Deepak",
    "last_name": "Verma",
    "phone": 6886438910,
    "password": "sushil",
    "role": [
        "role_id": 2,
        "name": "Society Admin"
    "associated": []
  "society": {
    "society_id": 10,
    "society_name": "Green Velley"
  "status": "success",
  "message": "member data details !"

Above JSON data has to be displayed in login home page. While using normal angular JS I supposed to use this :

$http.get('' + myParamtr).then(function(response) {
        $scope.myData = response.data.member;

In front end I supposed :


If you need to persist data from one state to another, in this case I recommend using an angular service: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/services

You can create a memberService, set the member data to the service, redirect the user, and retrieve the member data from the service in your next controller.

url : your json file location with respect to your index file.
 $http.get(url).success(function(response) { 
       $scope.myData = response.member; // Your member data
       $scope.myData1 = response.member.first_name; // Your member firstName

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