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Model not associated with Model Sequelize

I'm trying to esatblish a One-To-Many relationship between the tables: Exam and Exam_Questions , using Sequelize.

Even though the tables are created properly and I can see them in PhpMyAdmin, I keep getting the following error in console:

Error: exam_question is not associated to exam!


const ExamQuestion = require('./exam-question');

const Exam = sequelizeInstance.define("exam", {
    name: { type: Sequelize.STRING },
    date: { type: Sequelize.DATE }

// Build the model relations
Exam.hasMany(ExamQuestion, { as: "Questions" });


const ExamQuestion = Sequelize.db.define("exam_question", {
    correct_answer: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    text: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
module.exports = ExamQuestion;

To solve the error, I tried:


But that doesn't change anything.

The query is:

     include: [ExamQuestion]

How to fix this problem and get the Exam objects including their questions?


For some very non-intuitive reason this seems to be happening because of the as property. To fix the problem, simply remove the as property:


Fixing the methods

By default, after removing the as property, Sequelize will automagically add the following methods: getExam_questions , addExam_question and so on.

They look quite bad: camel and snake cases mixed up together.

To solve that, we can easily define the singular and plural names in the ExamQuestion model options (the third argument):

const ExamQuestion = Sequelize.db.define("exam_question", {
    correct_answer: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    text: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
}, {
    name: {
        singular: "question",
        plural: "questions"

This will dictate Sequelize to create methods such as getQuestions and addQuestion instead of getExam_questions and addExam_question .

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