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upgrade ESLint to ECMA6 Brackets IDE


I recently switched to using Brackets IDE to code on JavaScript. Upon realizing the default linter of Brackets was a very outdated version of JSLint, I followed some documentation and ended up installing the more versatile ESLint .


The problem is that this linter is only built for ECMA5, and does not even recognize the usage of keywords like const .

There are some efforts from the community to improve JSLint into accepting ECMA6, but since I have been using ESLint in Cloud9 IDE for quite a while, I would like to keep it.

What I tried

My reaction was to add the rules manually , in some eslint configuration file, but after searching for it I couldn't find it.


  1. Is there a way to update ESLint rules on brackets IDE? If so, how?

An issue in the brackets-eslint project says the extension will pick up ESLint's standard .eslintrc configuration files. Try putting this .eslintrc.json in your project's root directory:

    "root": true,

    "parserOptions": {
        "ecmaVersion": 6

    "extends": "eslint:recommended"

You can find more options in ESLint's configuring guide . You can also run eslint --init in your project's root directory to have ESLint walk you through setting up an initial configuration.

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