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How to replace storage from MySQL to Elasticsearch to deploy Zipkin Kubernetes

I am using the Kubernetes to deploy and trace data from application using zipkin. I am facing issue in replacing MySQL with Elasticsearch since I am not able to get the idea. Even the replacement is done on command line basis, using STORAGE_TYPE="Elasticsearch" but how that can be done through kubernetes? I am able to run the container from docker imgaes but is there any way to replace through deployment?

You may define all needed params via ENV options. Here is a cmd for running zipkin in docker:

docker run  -d -p 9411:9411 -e STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch -e ES_HOSTS= -e ES_USERNAME=elastic -e ES_PASSWORD=changeme openzipkin/zipkin

All these params can be defined in Deployment (see Expose Pod Information to Containers Through Environment Variables )

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