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How to convert to ascii using node.js

I am trying to convert length message to ascii. My length message is like

var ll = "0170";

In node js , is there some kind of function which converts into ascii? Please help?

you can't have an ascii code for a whole string.

An ascii code is an integer value for a character, not a string. Then for your string "0170" you will get 4 ascii codes

you can display these ascii codes like this

var str = "0170";

for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {

Ouput : 48 49 55 48 

Here's a simple function(ES6) which converts a string into ASCII characters using charCodeAt()

const toAscii = (string) => string.split('').map(char=>char.charCodeAt(0)).join(" ")

console.log(toAscii("Hello, World"))


-> 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100

You could create a prototype function aswell. There are many solutions :)

use charCodeAt() function to covert asscii format.

var ll = "0170";
function ascii (a) { return a.charCodeAt(); }
console.log(ascii(ll[0]),ascii(ll[1]), ascii(ll[2]), ascii(ll[3]) )


48 49 55 48 

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