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How to uninstall Jenkins on mac completely

I installed Jenkins with brew on mac. But it occurs some problem, I want to re-install it. Previously, at the first time I access http://localhost:8080 , the page guides you to install some plugins and need you to input the password. But when I use 'brew uninstall jenkins' command and install again, the page will not show. I don't remember the previous default admin passsword. So I can't access the jenkins now. I delete the homebrew cache as well, it not worked. Is there any solutions to uninstall Jenkins completely? I just want to start from the beginning of the installation. Thanks.

In terminal, write and execute

$/Library/Application\ Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command

Note If you installed it with sudo , then use this:

$sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command

Then follow the instructions.

To uninstall Jenkins service from your Mac OS X computer, execute uninstall script from terminal:

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
/Library/Application Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command



Removing the .jenkins file is actually an answer, depending how Jenkins was installed. For example, the homebrew installation does create instance-specific work area in $HOME/.jenkins

If you have the jenkins instance already running, go to $JENKINS_BASE_URL/configure and check the value of ' Home directory ' - that is the place where all user-specific data is stored, like the jobs.

PS: BTW - can't get away from SO stupidity. This is a comment to the answer by Ayobi, but don't have reputation to comment.

I installed Jenkins as pkg from jenkins.io. There was some issue and I wanted to delete it. I couldn't find Jenkins folder or Uninstall Command in Library , so this is what I did,

  1. Go to /Applications --> Delete the Jenkins folder
  2. Delete /Users/Shared/Jenkins
  3. Delete Jenkins ( there will be a standard user with no name username for the first time when jenkins is installed ) from "Users & Groups"

After this I re-installed Jenkins and it seem to work.

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