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How to sort and match data with multiple $http when Consume Restful APIs with angularjs

So following my last question of how to consume multiple $http, I need also to sort the data and match them. It's mean, I have the Albums, Photos and users:




For each Album I need to display the owner name and number of photos. So I try this to get the Album by Id, but it gives me error:

$http.get('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/'+ $scope.id + '/photos')

Or I also try this:

$http.get('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/'+ albumUsers.id + '/photos')

But still get error.

The question is if there's a way to link / create dependency between them, so the second controller basically rely on the first one? Thanks

So this is the controller to get the albums and the users

MyAlbum.controller('albumList', function($scope, $http, $q) {
    then(function(response) {
        $scope.albumDetails = response.data;

    then(function(response) {
        $scope.albumUsers = response.data;

        $scope.albumDetails = response[0].data;
        $scope.albumUsers= response[1].data;


And this the controller to get each album - for the example, I'm using a link to one specific album:

MyAlbum.controller('photoList', function($scope, $http) {
.then(function(response) {
    $scope.PhotoDetails = response.data;


The thing is that instead of albums/1 it should be albums/id

You can chained the $http calls together.Success function of the first $http request calls the second $http request.

function firstCall() {   // It will return a promise.
    return $http({
        method: 'GET',
        url: firstAPIURL

function dependantCall() {  // It will return a promise
    return $http({
        method: 'GET',
        url: secondAPIURL

$scope.onloadRequest = function() {   // This function will execute on load the view/controller.
     .then(function(result) {
        $scope.value = result.data; // Now that the server has answered, you can assign the value to $scope.value, and then, call the second function.

        dependantCall().then(function(dependentResult) {
            // Your code comes here
        }, function(dependentError){
             // If an error happened during the dependent call, handle it here.

    }, function(error){ 
        // If an error happened during first call, handle it here.


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