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SQL - Read XML node value from attribute name

I have a column that contains an XML like this:

   <meta id="TypeX" valuetype="xs:string">
   <meta id="TypeY" valuetype="xs:string">

and I need to query it by meta Tag Attribute 'id'.

I need to have foreach 'meta' tag his id and value.

here you have something that should help:

declare @xml xml

set @xml = '<metadata>
   <meta id="TypeX" valuetype="xs:string">
   <meta id="TypeY" valuetype="xs:string">

select C.value('(./@id)', 'varchar(5)') AS [Meta ID]
     , C.value('(./values/value)[1]', 'tinyint') AS [Value]
from @xml.nodes('/metadata/meta') AS T(C)

Moreover, it could be useful for you to get familiar with XQueries :)

You can change data type in select statement from varchar(5) to some bigger varchar or from tinyint to some "bigger" type, if you need to.

Best regards.

If your XML is big, it will lead to a bad performance, if you first shred the whole thing, just to filter it afterwards. It is better to include your filter as predicate into your XQuery :

   <meta id="TypeX" valuetype="xs:string">
   <meta id="TypeY" valuetype="xs:string">

--This is the variable holding the id's value

DECLARE @id VARCHAR(10)='TypeX';

--This SELECT reads the first <value> within <values> as one-liner :

SELECT @xml.value(N'(/metadata/meta[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/values/value/text())[1]','int'); 

--Change the filter-variable

SET @id='TypeY'

--This query will use .nodes() to get all <value> nodes within <values> (if there are more of them)

SELECT v.value('text()[1]','int')
FROM @xml.nodes(N'/metadata/meta[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/values/value') AS A(v); 

One more hint: If you are sure, that there is only one entry per @id , you might extend the predicate to [@id=sql:variable("@id")][1] . This will prevent the engine to continue searching for nodes with this id.

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