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How to parse ObjectId of dynamic type in .NET MongoDb Driver

Here's my code. DbContext.Resources is IMongoCollection<dynamic> because it's highly unstructured.

var resource = await DbContext.Resources.Find(
  Builders<dynamic>.Filter.Eq("_id", ObjectId.Parse(id))

And the resulting resource object is

  "_id": {

What is the best practice for parsing this _id ?

There is multiples ways to represent and construct an ObjectId . The object returned from your IMongoCollection corresponds to the actual _id value you're seeing in your database encoded using the constructor that can be seen here and composed of the following fields:

  • timestamp (int)
  • machine hash (int)
  • pid (short)
  • increment (int)

An ObjectId should implement a ToString method, allowing you to convert the object into its string representation, but if for some reason you can't use it due to your dynamic typing, you can either create a new one with the constructor, or leverage the ObjectId.Pack method, which would allow you to convert back the timestamp , machine , pid and increment into a byte array which can also be used for the ObjectId creation.

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