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OOP Design setter vs passing parameter in method

I have a doubt about good OOP design in this case:

The example is not real. But I can´t give you the real example because its private code. However the example concept it's exactly the same.

Imagine I have a class where I store a List of strings and I have a method called ThereIsString(string mystring).

I return true or false depending on if a computation I do with that string "is related" to one of the strings is listOfString. (this is the private algorithm)


public class StringBagAlgorithm()
    List<string> listofString = new List<string>();

    public boolean ComputeString(string myString)
        return true or false depending on the computation with the list of strings;

Ok. the list of Strings is stored in a different class called ListOfStrings which has a reference to StringBagAlgorithm so:

public class ListOfStrings()
    List<string> listofString = new List<string>();
    List<string> MySecondListofString = new List<string>();
    StringBagAlgorithm _bagAlgorithm

    public ListOfStrings(StringBagAlgorithm bagAlgorithm)
        this._bagAlgorithm = bagAlgorithm;

    public void ComputeSecondList()
       for (int i=0; i<MySecondListofString; i++ )

My question is what is the best way of passing the listofString to the StringBagAlgorithm. By doing it in the for loop for example:


Or by doing it using a setter before doing the for loop. Or any other options?

Would like to know which is the best OO design for loose coupling and unit testing. Also I guess that by using a setter once and not passing the list in every call, the performance is better, but the design is worse?

It's need to be something like that :

public class StringBagAlgorithm
    public List<string> ListofString { get; set; }

    public bool ComputeString(string myString)
        //return true or false depending on the computation with the list of strings;
        return true;

public class StringsComputer
    public List<string> FirstList { get; set; }
    public List<string> SecoundList { get; set; }
    public StringBagAlgorithm BagAlgorithm { get; set; }

    public StringsComputer(StringBagAlgorithm bagAlgorithm, List<string> listA, List<string> listB)
        BagAlgorithm = bagAlgorithm;
        FirstList = listA;
        SecoundList = listB;

    public StringsComputer()

    public void ComputeSecondList()
        if(BagAlgorithm != null)
           for (int i = 0; i < SecoundList.Count; i++)

public class program
    public static void Main()
        List<string> listA = new List<string>() { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
        List<string> listB = new List<string>() { "E", "F", "C", "H" };
        StringBagAlgorithm sba = new StringBagAlgorithm();

        StringsComputer sc = new StringsComputer() {
            FirstList = listA,
            SecoundList = listB,
            BagAlgorithm = sba


Most famous mistake to call your class ListOfStrings !!! class should be one of its type and if you want many you will do List<MyNewClass> . learn about SRP and interfaces/abstract and try to implement them for better code.

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