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ALM JIRA Integration

I have created a link between ALM and JIRA to sync defects from ALM to JIRA. The integrity check passed and after enabling and trying to sync, am getting the following error,

05/22/2017,02:27:31,654 INFO (Create.From1To2.Source-1) Synchronize: JIRA: Creating new issue
05/22/2017,02:27:32,874 INFO (Create.From1To2.Source-1) Synchronize: JIRA: refreshing the issue id:26906
05/22/2017,02:27:32,925 INFO (Create.From1To2.Source-1) Synchronize: JIRA: Updating issue id:26906
05/22/2017,02:27:33,494 ERROR (Create.From1To2.Source-1) Create: Fatal exception caught,operation terminated. Cause: create: fatal error update: fatal error {"errorMessages":["one of 'fields' or 'update' required"],"errors":{}}
05/22/2017,02:27:33,499 INFO (Disconnection.Adapter1) DisconnectAdapter: Disconnecting adapter HPE-ALM
05/22/2017,02:27:33,499 INFO (Disconnection.Adapter1) DisconnectAdapter: HPE-ALM: disconnect() called
05/22/2017,02:27:33,502 INFO (Disconnection.Adapter1) DisconnectAdapter: HPE-ALM: Call to disconnect
05/22/2017,02:27:34,550 INFO (Disconnection.Adapter1) DisconnectAdapter: HPE-ALM: Call to logout

Not sure what this really means as am relatively new to both products. Could anyone help on this please?

It looks like the issue with 26906 ID have some required fields. You can figure out what this issue is via this URL: http://your-jira-server/rest/api/2/issue/26906 . If you know the project of this issue and know which fields are required, this could already help.

If this information won't help you to figure out the actual reason of error, you can check which fields are actually required using this URL: http://your-jira-server/rest/api/2/issue/26906/editmeta . This should return you a JSON object, containing metadata about fields of given issue. Search for "required": true (or use jq utility) and figure out which fields are missing.

If the import failing during issue creation, you can try another URL: http://your-jira-server/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectK‌​eys=~PROJECT_KEY~&is‌​suetypeNames=~ISSUE_‌​TYPE_NAME~&expand=pr‌​ojects.issuetypes.fi‌​elds which will give you JSON metadata for creating new issue. Using this information, you can check whether some of the fields are missing in the source data.

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