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Android syntax highlighting using Java prettify, not showing (less than) < or <= sign in textview?

I am using java Prettify for syntax highlighting of java code in android app. I followed this example Android Syntax Highlighting?

public class PrettifyHighlighter {
    private static final Map<String, String> COLORS = buildColorsMap();

    private static final String FONT_PATTERN = "<font color=\"#%s\">%s</font>";

    private final Parser parser = new PrettifyParser();

    public String highlight(String fileExtension, String sourceCode) {
        StringBuilder highlighted = new StringBuilder();
        List<ParseResult> results = parser.parse(fileExtension, sourceCode);
        for(ParseResult result : results){
            String type = result.getStyleKeys().get(0);
            String content = sourceCode.substring(result.getOffset(), result.getOffset() + result.getLength());
            highlighted.append(String.format(FONT_PATTERN, getColor(type), content));
        return highlighted.toString();

    private String getColor(String type){
        return COLORS.containsKey(type) ? COLORS.get(type) : COLORS.get("pln");

    private static Map<String, String> buildColorsMap() {
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("typ", "000000"); // black
        map.put("kwd", "760098"); // violet
        map.put("lit", "001ab7"); // dark blue
        map.put("com", "999999"); // grey, comments
        map.put("str", "ff4500"); // dark orange
        map.put("pun", "333333"); // 90% black
        map.put("pln", "156f15"); // dark green
        return map;

and using it in the textview as

        PrettifyHighlighter highlighter = new PrettifyHighlighter();
        String code="public class Example {  \n" +
                "public static void main(String args[]) {  \n" +
                "    for(int i=1; i<=5; i++){  \n" +
                "        if(i==3){  \n" +
                "            break;  \n" +
                "        }  \n" +
                "        System.out.println(i);  \n" +
                "    }  \n" +
                "}  \n" +
                "}  ";
        String highlighted = highlighter.highlight("java", code);


    android:scrollbars = "vertical"
    android:text="" />

OUTPUT: 在此处输入图片说明

as you can see <= is missing from the output, it is just showing i5 instead of i<=5

What is the reason that < is not shown in the textview, how can I display < in the syntax highlighted texview? Any help is appreciated

Try this one

&lt; for <

&gt; for >

&amp; for &

Hope this will help out to display the escape characters in an XML file.

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