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How to post data to elastic search over java?

How to post data to elasticsearch from java application? What are the necessary Maven dependencies to make queries to elastic search engine?

I have done a lot of research but got confused.

Thanks in Advance !!!!!

You need to do the following:

  • Clone elasticsearch's maven dependency (from here )
  • Use Transport Client or Node Client to connect to Elasticsearch ( here's the documentation that explains both the types and here are the examples)
  • Use IndexRequest to index the document, eg:

    IndexRequest request = new IndexRequest("<index_name>","<document_type>", "<document_id>"); request.source("<document_json>"); IndexResponse response = client.index(indexRequest).actionGet();

The latest version of Elasticsearch will be enough (look for the latest version in maven repository https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.elasticsearch ) :


In addition, if you are familiar with scala (in java these operations are pretty much the same), you can use this XContentBuilder example to create json objects: https://github.com/sslavian812/needls2/blob/master/src/main/scala/ru/yandex/spark/ElasticSearchHelper.scala#L42

and this elasticsearch client request example: https://github.com/sslavian812/needls2/blob/master/src/main/scala/ru/yandex/spark/ElasticSearchHelper.scala#L125

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