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Templated get method to retrieve mixed data types from table

I know the title is not meaningful, couldn't find anything better.

I need to provide a C++ interface to an SQlite table, where I can store key/value/type configuration settings, such as

    Key     |   Value    |   Type
PATH        | /path/to/  |  STRING

For simplicity and flexibility purposes the datamodel hosts the values as strings but provides a column to retain the original data type.

This is how I have imagined a client to call such c++ interface.

Configuration c;
int refreshRate = c.get<int>("REFRESH_RATE");

// Next line throws since type won't match
std::string refreshRate = c.get<std::string>("REFRESH_RATE");

This is how I have imagined implementing it (I know the code won't compile as is, consider it as pseudo c++, I'm more questioning the design than the syntax here)

class Parameter
        enum KnownTypes 
            STRING = 0,

        std::string key;
        std::string value;
        KnownTypes type;

class Configuration 
        template<class RETURNTYPE>
        RETURNTYPE get(std::string& key)
            // get parameter(eg. get cached value or from db...)
            const Parameter& parameter = retrieveFromDbOrCache(key);

            return <parameter.type, RETURNTYPE>getImpl(parameter);

        template<int ENUMTYPE, class RETURNTYPE>
        RETURNTYPE getImpl(const Parameter& parameter)
            throw "Tthe requested return type does not match with the actual parameter's type"; // shall never happen

        template<Parameter::KnownTypes::STRING, std::string>
        std::string getImpl(const Parameter& parameter)
            return parameter.value;

        template<Parameter::KnownTypes::BOOLEAN, bool>
        std::string getImpl(const Parameter& parameter)
            return parameter.value == "Y";

        template<Parameter::KnownTypes::INTEGER, int>
        int getImpl(const Parameter& parameter)
            return lexical_cast<int>(parameter.value)

        // and so on, specialize once per known type

Is that a good implementation ? Any suggestions on how to improve it ?

I know I could have specialized the public get directly per return type, but I would have duplicated some code in each template specialization (the type consistency check as well as the parameter retrieval)

Your approach will fail badly if you try to implement it out! Problem is:

return <parameter.type, RETURNTYPE>getImpl(parameter);

or with correct C++ syntax:

return getImpl<parameter.type, RETURNTYPE>(parameter);

Template parameters require to be compile time constants, which parameter.type is not! So you would have to try something like this:

case STRING:
    return getImpl<STRING, RETURNTYPE>(parameter);

Does not look like you gained anything at all, does it?

You might try the other way round, though, specialising the getter itself:

    template<class RETURNTYPE>
    RETURNTYPE get(std::string const& key);

    std::string get<std::string>(std::string const& key)
        return getImpl<STRING>(key);
    int get<int>(std::string const& key)
        return lexical_cast<int>(getImpl<STRING>(key));

    template<KnownTypes Type>
    std::string getImpl(std::string const& key)
        Parameter parameter = ...;
        if(parameter.type != Type)
            throw ...;
        return parameter.value;

Or without templates (referring Nim's comment...):

    int getInt(std::string const& key)
        return lexical_cast<int>(getImpl(STRING, key));

    inline std::string getImpl(KnownTypes type, std::string const& key)
        Parameter parameter = ...;
        if(parameter.type != type)
            throw ...;
        return parameter.value;

One change you might have noticed: I fixed constness for your parameters...

Side note: template specialisations as above are not allowed at class scope (above is written for shortness). In your true code, you have to move the specialisations out of the class:

struct S { template<typename T> void f(T t); };

template<> void S::f<int>(int t) { }

In addition to the accepted answer I would like to add a demo with a little difference of verifying the correctness of the type without boilerplatting the code over all template specializations. As well correcting the explicit-template specialization in the class scope that is not allowed.

class Parameter {
  enum KnownTypes { STRING = 0, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, DOUBLE };

  std::string key;
  std::string value;
  KnownTypes type;

class Configuration {
  template <class RETURNTYPE>
  RETURNTYPE get(std::string const& key) {
    // get parameter(eg. get cached value or from db...)
    std::map<std::string, Parameter> map{
      {"int", Parameter{"int", "100", Parameter::KnownTypes::INTEGER}},
      {"string", Parameter{"string", "string_value", Parameter::KnownTypes::STRING}},
      {"throwMe", Parameter{"throwMe", "throw", Parameter::KnownTypes::DOUBLE}},
      {"bool", Parameter{"bool", "Y", Parameter::KnownTypes::BOOLEAN}}};
    const Parameter& parameter = map.at(key);

    bool isMatchingType = false;
    switch (parameter.type) {
    case Parameter::STRING:
      isMatchingType = std::is_same<RETURNTYPE, std::string>::value;
    case Parameter::BOOLEAN:
      isMatchingType = std::is_same<RETURNTYPE, bool>::value;
    case Parameter::INTEGER:
      isMatchingType = std::is_same<RETURNTYPE, int>::value;
    case Parameter::DOUBLE:
      isMatchingType = std::is_same<RETURNTYPE, double>::value;

    if (!isMatchingType)
      throw "Tthe requested return type does not match with the actual parameter's type";

    return getImpl<RETURNTYPE>(parameter);

  template <class RETURNTYPE>
  RETURNTYPE getImpl(const Parameter& parameter);

template <>
std::string Configuration::getImpl<std::string>(const Parameter& parameter) {
  return parameter.value;

template <>
bool Configuration::getImpl<bool>(const Parameter& parameter) {
  return parameter.value == "Y";

template <>
int Configuration::getImpl<int>(const Parameter& parameter) {
  return std::stoi(parameter.value);

int main() {
  Configuration conf;
  cerr << conf.get<int>("int") << endl;
  cerr << conf.get<bool>("bool") << endl;
  cerr << conf.get<string>("string") << endl;
  cerr << conf.get<string>("throwMe") << endl;

  return 0;

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