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Forking a GitHub repo using from the command line with bash, cURL, and the GitHub API

I am having trouble with my bash script to fork a GitHub repo using cUrl.
The gitHub API doc for creating a fork .

I've tried many variations:

curl -u $my_user_name https://api.github.com/repos/forks -d "{\"owner\":\"$upstream_repo_username\",\"repo\":\"$upstream_repo_name\"}"

curl -u $my_user_name https://api.github.com/repos/'$upstream_repo_username'/'$upstream_repo_name'/forks

yield the following error: { "message": "Not Found", "documentation_url": "https://developer.github.com/v3" }

In Contrast, the following Creates a new empty github repo, as expected:
curl -u $my_user_name https://api.github.com/user/repos -d "{\"name\":\"$upstream_repo_name\"}"

Any ideas on how to create a fork of a repo from the command line?

I have a bash script that: - creates an empty repo on github with the name of the repo I'm going to clone, - clones a repo from another user locally, and - pushes my cloned repo into the empty repo I created in my github account - sets origin and upstream remotes appropriately

However, this method does not keep a connection within GitHub to the source (forked) repo. I particularly like the convenience of the forked link appearing below my own repo name;-)

The goal is to do all my cloning (and forking) from the command line.

I do not want to open a browser, navigate to the repository I wish to fork, just to access that "Fork" button.. only return back to the command line to finish the process.

Alternatively, can I turn a cloned repo into a forked one from the command line? (ie some command line api command that will re-create those internal github links that forks possess?)

Here is my working bash script:

curl -u $my_user_name https://api.github.com/repos/$upstream_repo_username/$upstream_repo_name/forks -d ''

Example using hard-coded strings instead of bash variables:

curl -u 'SherylHohman' https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/forks -d ''

Notice I moved -d '' to the end to avoid login errors.
The request requires authentication.
I provide this via curl's -u parameter (as opposed to using OAuth2).
When I used the -u $my_user_name option,
I had to move the -d '' to after the URI
- it resulted in login errors if placed between -u 'username' and the URI.

It turns out the Main source of errors in my script with bash-syntax.
I had quotation marks surrounding bash variables, that should Not have been there.
(..just Solving a pain point without really knowing bash or curl)

Additionally, as #YuriSchimke pointed out, this particular URI required parameters to be passed in the URI. Passing these options as json is not an option, unlike the URI for Creating a New Blank repo.

Here is why I was baffled over how to send this data in the URI:

Using curl, the default request is a GET .
In curl, POST requests are made by adding the -d (equivalent to --data ) flag followed by the data to be sent.

I needed to send a POST request.
The format for GitHub API is that GET (and POST eg. CreateRepo ) requests can sometimes send some parameters as json or query strings
NOTE: documentation for GitHub API appears to be slightly incomplete, as I do not see any mention of the API allowing json, only query string.
I suppose in this case, the data is sandwiched between two static URI parts, making it impossible to send as json values.

I was at a loss how to use the -d flag without data :

If I simply left it off, the API call was processed as a GET.
It returned information about the repo I wanted to fork,
instead of forking the repo to my account.

@YuriSchimke's post gave me that "Ahaa.". Thanks. I'm laughing that it didn't cross my mind. I'm grateful Yuri's made this so obvious! (Thanks Again).

The documentation shows the owner and repo being part of the request URI

curl -d '' https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/forks


This appears to work fine.

It's much easier to create or fork a repo using the hub command line tool.

Installation instructions: https://github.com/github/hub#installation

It can do much more, but here's how to fork a online repo using the command line.
However, there is conflicting information out there, so it can be a bit confusing.

To fork a online repo owned by somebody else do:

  1. clone the repo using git clone

git clone ssh://git@github.com/keras-users/keras.git

  1. change into the cloned repo

cd keras

  1. create the fork online

hub fork

To fork your own repo that is already hosted on github:

Github doesn't allow you to fork your own repo,
So you need to first create a clone of your own repo on your computer,
Then you can create the cloned repo on the github website

  1. clone your repo to your computer

git clone ssh://git@github.com/alpha_beta_gamma/clone_repo.git

  1. clone the repo on your computer to another repo (also on your computer)

git clone clone_repo clone_repo2

  1. change directory to the new cloned repo

cd clone_repo2

  1. create the cloned repo on Github

hub create

This will create a new repo on GitHub.

  1. set the URL of the remote repo:

git remote set-url https://github.com/username/clone_repo2

  1. push the local repo to the online repo

git push

I use hub . I have also set git as alias for it so that I don't have to worry everytime what command comes under git and what under hub , so my code looks just like I an running git. Follow installations here .

$ git clone <github_repo>
$ cd <github_repo>
$ git fork

PS: For the above code to work, before executing it in your .bashrc or .bash_profile you need to put the following

alias git=hub

I used this command to fork on github enterprise:

curl -vX POST \
    https://git.redacted.com/api/v3/repos/$upstream_repo_username/$upstream_repo_name/forks?access_token=$api-token \
    -d @gh-fork.json \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json"

gh-fork.json :

    "organization": "org-to-fork-to",
    "description": "",
    "homepage": "https://git.redacted.com",
    "private": false

I am having trouble with my bash script to fork a GitHub repo using cUrl.
The gitHub API doc for creating a fork .

I've tried many variations:

curl -u $my_user_name https://api.github.com/repos/forks -d "{\\"owner\\":\\"$upstream_repo_username\\",\\"repo\\":\\"$upstream_repo_name\\"}"

curl -u $my_user_name https://api.github.com/repos/'$upstream_repo_username'/'$upstream_repo_name'/forks

yield the following error: { "message": "Not Found", "documentation_url": "https://developer.github.com/v3" }

In Contrast, the following Creates a new empty github repo, as expected:
curl -u $my_user_name https://api.github.com/user/repos -d "{\\"name\\":\\"$upstream_repo_name\\"}"

Any ideas on how to create a fork of a repo from the command line?

I have a bash script that: - creates an empty repo on github with the name of the repo I'm going to clone, - clones a repo from another user locally, and - pushes my cloned repo into the empty repo I created in my github account - sets origin and upstream remotes appropriately

However, this method does not keep a connection within GitHub to the source (forked) repo. I particularly like the convenience of the forked link appearing below my own repo name ;-)

The goal is to do all my cloning (and forking) from the command line.

I do not want to open a browser, navigate to the repository I wish to fork, just to access that "Fork" button.. only return back to the command line to finish the process.

Alternatively, can I turn a cloned repo into a forked one from the command line? (ie some command line api command that will re-create those internal github links that forks possess?)

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